It's no secret that I love to photograph children, and baby Lilly is one of my favorites. It could be her bouncy golden hair, that in the right light, surrounds her face like an angelic halo, or it could be her fabulous taste in faux fur boots, which I'm forever threatening to borrow. (She swears they won't fit me;) Maybe it's her hilariously, innocent statements which leave me in tearful giggles and her mother sending prayers heavanward.
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Whatever the reason baby Lilly is an amazing little girl who is as beautiful inside as she is out.
This year based on a tip from a friend, (thank you Friend;-), we decided to shoot on fabulous Worth Avenue in Palm Beach Florida. Her 1st trip to Tiffany's left her feeling a bit disappointed especially when she realized the pretty blue wallets she was admiring were empty, but the shiny silver elevator left her suitably impressed. We peaked into Cartiers window where she spied a gorgeous diamond necklace, and Chanel was sweet enough to give a stationary for a quick letter to Santa.

We negotiated a few pics in front of the square's giant Christmas tree on the condition she could toss some pennies into the nearby fountain, and we ended the day with a trip to sprinkles, the local ice cream shop, where she chose a lovely pink ice cream that happened to match her sweet little earmuffs and gingerbread pillbox purse. A fabulous end to a fabulous day, and a girl after my own heart. Baby Lilly, you are a gem.
Thank you to Lara Fiarelli of Laras theme for helping style this shoot!
great photo's, Dana
Thank u!!!! I appreciate the feedback!
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